When is it Warm Enough to Paint?

warm enough to paint exterior In Grand Rapids, Michigan, every spring is a little different but typically May is warm enough for staining and painting the exterior of your house. What most people think about is the daily highs. However, in exterior painting the most important factor is actually the daily lows. Most of Today’s high end paints are designed to tolerate temperatures as low as 35 degrees fahrenheit.

warm enough to paint, exterior painting, thornapple painting
Paint takes about 30 days to fully cure. We want to see that the average daily lows are at least 35 degrees and will stay that way for the next 30 days. So don’t be tempted to paint the exterior of your home on that beautiful early spring day that will be in 50s in early April. Look at the daily lows not the daily highs in order to figure out if it’s warm enough to paint!

If you have any questions about our exterior staining and painting services, please feel free to reach us via our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible. To learn more about our which areas we service, please visit our Service Areas page. Learn more about exterior painting on our Blog.